Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Tonight was Trick-or-Treating in the big town of Ankeny! It was pretty cruddy outside so just Daddy and Macy "Kitty" went out. "Superman" stayed home with Mom and greeted the other trick-or-treaters. Macy was a little unsure at first seeing all the different costumes wandering the streets, but enjoyed getting all the candy. Hope you all have a Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Little Man!

Last Saturday we celebrated Greyson's 1st birthday. Our house was full of family and a few friends--just like it should be. Greyson is no longer lacking in the clothes area. I think he's set for winter! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone near and far who helped make Greyson's 1st birthday one to be remembered.

Letter from Mom:

Greyson Charles,
I can hardly believe it's your first birthday. You have been such a blessing to Daddy and me. I can remember the day you were born just like yesterday. Grandma and Grandpa Nerem had come down the night before I was to be induced so they could stay with Macy. We were at the hospital around 6:00 a.m. Around 7:00, Grandpa Jerry called telling us that he had run to get coffee at Casey's and the code to our house wasn't working. He had tried to call Grandma Marla on her cell phone but was having no luck. He didn't want to call the land line because he was afraid he would wake up Macy. (Later on, after you were born, we found out that he had been at the wrong house punching in our code. Good thing we knew our neighbors pretty well;) Shortly after that the nurse started to induce me. Things moved pretty slowly. Dr. Roehrkasse came in about 10 or so and broke my water. Things sped up tremendously. At 11:40 on October 27th, 2009, you entered this world. You didn't waste any time and we almost didn't have a doctor to deliver you. You were ready whether or not anyone else was. Your demeanor, after you entered this world, however, has not been like your delivery at all. You have been the most laid back little guy, smiling almost always. You just sit back and take it all in. I really can't say you were a fussy baby. Even now, the only time you are upset is if you are hungry, tired, or need your diaper changed, OR if Sissy tries to take away one of your toys, OR if you're pushing her in her doll stroller and you run into the wall and can't get her turned around.

Some of your developmental milestones at 1 year:

Eating almost anything we eat as long as it's cut up pretty small. You don't mind most veggies however you're starting to develop a slight texture issue. We'll see how long you will keep from eating shells and cheese;)

You've got 5 teeth and a 6th one pushing it's way through. You love your "teddy" and pacifier at naptime and bedtime. Most mornings you wake up around 5:30ish and just lay in your crib talking, sometimes falling back to sleep until Daddy or I come to get you. We hardly ever hear you cry to get out of your bed.

Walking all over the place. This started about the time you turned 11 months. You walk great without shoes. With shoes, you're a little more unstable. You love crawling both up and down the steps. If I'd let you, you'd go up and down the stairs 30 times per day.

When you get upset you will beat your head on the carpet OR tile, and when you're tired, you put your head on the carpet OR tile and push forward as if you are a vacuum. Not quite sure which side you get this from. I, most certainly, was never known for beating my head on the floor, right Grandma Marla?

You love to throw things both frontwards and backwards. When riding in the double stroller, if you're sitting in the back, you love to pick on Macy by pulling her hair.

You can give kisses when asked. Even though they are open mouthed and slobbery, they're still the greatest! You can sign "more" and say "Da Da, Ma Ma, Grampa, and believe it or not, do the "touch down" signal and say what sounds like "touch down." You love to mess with the t.v. by turning it off and on. You know you're not supposed to and I'm guessing that's why you walk up to it, put your finger on the power button and then look for Daddy or me and wait for one of us to say "no, no." You then proceed to push the button anyways.

A few weeks back I had gotten you out of the tub, taken you into your room, put your diaper on and then left for just a "second" to see what your sister was doing. I walked back into your room to find you standing on your little rocking chair reaching for the lamp on top of your dresser. You have no fear...except maybe of the Schwan's man;)

Greyson Charles, if I could slow down time, I most certainly would. Everyday I try to enjoy the little things among the fast pace of life--giving you your baths, rocking you before bed and watching you dump your whole plate of food on the floor only to have Frazier gobble it up in a matter of seconds. Truly you are the most wonderful son Daddy and I could have ever been given. We are so blessed! I love you!


Monday, October 19, 2009

2 Month Hiatus

The pumpkin cake Aunt Tara made for us all to enjoy.

Daddy and Macy at the pumpkin patch.

Mommy and Macy feeding the goats at the pumpkin patch.

No words;)

Hello everyone! No, your eyes aren't playing tricks on you. Yes, you're finally seeing an updated post. Let's just say it's been absolutely crazy around here since school started. School is going great. I attended the Iowa World Language Association Conference once again this year and it was awesome! I came back to the classroom with many new ideas and strategies to implement. It's always refreshing to attend that conference. Jared is busy with work, attending his own workshops and getting lots of new information as well. He is also stressing over enjoying watching the Vikings have a decent team this year. Sundays from 12-3 are pretty up and down at our place;)

Macy is growing like a weed--not just physically, but with her vocabulary as well. She can say anything she wants and even suprises us at times. We can see quite the little personality developing, too!

Last night:
Me: "Macy, what's Mommy's name?"
Macy: "Wensy"
Me: "Yes, that's right. What's Daddy's name?"
Macy: "Dada"
Me: "Yes, but what's his real name?"
Macy: (pause) "Peanut!" (Looks over at Jared) "Hi Peanut!" (and waves)

Did I mention she's potty trained (as of September 4th)? Well, during the day anyways. We are still doing Pull Ups at night but many times she's dry in the morning. Mom just isn't brave enough to have her go without:) I must say Macy did this all on her own. I wasn't going to push her to potty train. She came home from Sharon's on a Thursday and said to me "no more diapers," and we went with it. She knew exactly what to do. I never really had to remind her to go potty. She knew to tell us. Now, "I have to go potty" is used as one of her stall tactics for not wanting to go to bed.

Greyson is our almost 1 year old. Where did the year go? He's been walking for about a month now. He's still our laid back little man, but has finally started to show at least some frustration when his sister takes something away from him or has something he wants at any particular moment. Jared has already been playing ball with him and he can sure whip a ball around. It may not always move forward, but he does have one mean back toss.

Over the past couple months, we've enjoyed traveling back home for my cousin, Breanne's wedding, seeing friends on the weekends, and having family visit. This weekend is Greyson's birthday party. Look for another update in the near future of our 1 year old little man:)