Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Sweetheart!

Letter from Mom:


You are our little princess with a cute personality topped off with a little attitude and spunk. I'm not quite sure if you'll ever understand the happiness you brought to both your dad and me the day you were born. We prayed and prayed for three years and finally God blessed us with you.

August 15th, 2007, 12:21 p.m. our beautiful baby girl had arrived! Daddy couldn't keep from smiling and I couldn't believe you were ours. You had the darkest hair and cutest little face. Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Marla, Grandpa Chuck and Grandma B were all there that day to welcome you to our family. We were and still are so blessed!

2 year milestones and stories:

~You can say just about anything. Well, you at least try to say anything although sometimes it doesn't sound quite right. Your dad and I have had fun listening to your vocabulary and speech grow. We've even had a few chuckles at how you mean to say one thing and it clearly sounds like something totally different, which at times, can be a little inappropriate (but you don't know that).

~You love to hug and kiss your little brother. You've been so loving since the day he was born. Sometimes you hug him so hard, he can barely breathe. We can see your little arms trembling because you squeeze him so hard. That's normally when you hear Dad or me say, "Ok, that's enough" followed by a scream from Greyson.

~You graduated to a "big girl" bed on July 15th, 2009. You seem to like it. The other night when I was reading to you, you kept looking over the side of the bed and would not lay still. I asked what you were looking for and you told me, "a monkey." I don't know if you were scared. We did get a little close to the monkey cage when we went to the zoo a couple weeks ago. I wonder if you still think about that?

~Every night after reading books, we say prayers. For the last couple months you fill in the lines/words of both "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" and "The Lord's Prayer." We've said these prayers with you every night since the day you were born. This is what it sounds like:

Words in black = Macy

"Our Father who art in heban, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heban, Give us this day our dayee bed and forgive us our pacifiers as we forgive those who pacifier against us. Lead us not into tation, but deliver us from ebil, kingdom, powo, gory, foever, Amen! "

~You sing lots of songs including, the ABC's, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Mr. Sun (Barney), Happy Birthday, and the I Love You song (Barney).

~Pushing babies in the stroller, and putting them to bed in their baby crib are some of your favorite things to do. After putting your baby to bed you will yell politely tell whoever is around to "SHHHH! Baby sleepin!"

~November of 2008 you had tubes put in your ears. You had ear infection after ear infection and the doctors, Dad and I decided enough was enough. Since tubes you've had 2 sinus infections and one ear infection. You are still a serious mouth breather, especially when you sleep and your tonsils are huge even when you're healthy. We've decided, along with Dr. Young (your ear, nose and throat doctor), that you will get your tonsils and adenoids out soon (like September 3rd). We're hoping you sleep more sound and stay healthy.

~I started a little game with you a few months ago. I'll ask you, "How much do I love you?" and you'll answer with your arms spread wide, "This much!" However lately you've been playing a game with me. I'll ask you the same question and you'll answer one of two things: "Ummmmmmm..." or "I don't know..." with a smirk on your face. You stinker;)

I've only scratched the surface of what you are doing now. There's so much more I could say, but I'll save it for later. However, when you bring your first boyfriend to our house, remind me to tell the story that involves you at 20 months, Frazier, and dog poop. Or, if you want, you can just stay our "little girl" forever and I'll spare you the embarrassment of that story. Just kidding, Princess. I know you're going to grow up. My hope for you is that you have a happy and full life. I want to instill in you that you WILL have this if you put Jesus at the center of your life. And, always remember the answer to this question, "How much do I love you?" Yep, you're right!......."THIS MUCH!"

Love you my baby girl!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Took a trip to the Zoo!

M at the hotel after swimming

M before we even exited the zoo parking lot

M and Dad enjoying the view of the sleeping bears

G and Dad on the train

Yep! We sure did. It was short and sweet, but lots of fun! Our friends from Urbandale asked us to go with them and their little boy to the Omaha Zoo. To be quite honest I was a little hesitant. A Saturday in August with two children under two (aka: busiest day of the week in the heat of the summer with two children in diapers) didn't, at first, seem too appealing. I had to remind myself that Jared and I aren't the first people in this world to do something like this and that I better get my butt out of my comfort zone and start doing these mini vacations. These types of things are what memories are made of, right? Contrary to what I was thinking would be the case, I must say that we all had the best time. Yes, it was busy, but the weather was beautiful, not hot. Both kids were great! Macy loved every aspect of zoo. Greyson, of course, didn't really care but was totally content as long as he had a cracker in hand;) After the zoo, we went back to the hotel and did a little swimming. Macy is a little fish and I'm pretty sure Greyson is right on track to be one as well.