Yep! We sure did. It was short and sweet, but lots of fun! Our friends from Urbandale asked us to go with them and their little boy to the Omaha Zoo. To be quite honest I was a little hesitant. A Saturday in August with two children under two (aka: busiest day of the week in the heat of the summer with two children in diapers) didn't, at first, seem too appealing. I had to remind myself that Jared and I aren't the first people in this world to do something like this and that I better get my butt out of my comfort zone and start doing these mini vacations. These types of things are what memories are made of, right? Contrary to what I was thinking would be the case, I must say that we all had the best time. Yes, it was busy, but the weather was beautiful, not hot. Both kids were great! Macy loved every aspect of zoo. Greyson, of course, didn't really care but was totally content as long as he had a cracker in hand;) After the zoo, we went back to the hotel and did a little swimming. Macy is a little fish and I'm pretty sure Greyson is right on track to be one as well.
How fun! You're more brave than me, that's for sure. I'm taking Max to the Madison Zoo later this week, but Mya is staying home:)