Today was Grey's 4 month well baby check. He's a happy, healthy, 18 pound baby boy! We tried rice cereal for the first time tonight and let's just say our normal smiley Grey wasn't smiley whatsoever. He's not a fan as of right now, and I think I ended up with more cereal on me then he did in his belly. We did shoot a little video of it, but all he's doing is bawling so I won't torture anyone, especially grandmas and grandpas who can barely stand the sound of a crying grandbaby:) Anyways, maybe just maybe the little bit that I did get in him will help him sleep better since lately he thinks he needs to be up 5-6 times a night. No joke!

"Seriously, have you tried this stuff? Where's the Lawry's?"

"I'm not kidding. One more spoonful and you'll be wearing it!"
Olivia's not a fan of the rice cereal yet either and she is 5 months old. We have tried several times and it doesn't seem to be getting easier at all yet. I am sure soon she may like it. She seems like a pip-squeak at 13 lbs 3 oz a month ago compared to your guy! Happy healthy baby though and soooo cute!