This past weekend was a great "family" weekend for us. We spent a lot of time with just the four of us hanging out in the living room. If it hadn't been snowing the whole day Sunday, we may have gotten outside since that's one of Macy's favorite things to do. We also colored Easter eggs. Macy loved it! I'm hoping the dye comes out of clothes. I did read that it is non-toxic and made from food. Thank God for that since Macy tried to eat one of the color tablets (I think she thought it was one of her vitamins:).
Our godson, Brecken, turned 6 on Saturday. This will definitely be a memorable birthday for him. We all went to his party and when we got there, Brecken and Danielle weren't there. When they showed up, Brecken had his birthday present-a dog! "Maggie" is so cute. She's a yellow lab. Good luck, Danielle!
So, for the meaning behind the title of this entry. Last night when we were eating supper, Jared coughed (Macy must have thought it was a sneeze.) and Macy responded with "Bless You, Daddy." So of course I thought I could "sneeze" and she would say "Bless You , Mommy," but all I got was a little girl trying to fake sneeze as well. It's amazing to me what little ears pick up on. I know we always say "Bless You" when anyone sneezes, but to hear that come out of a child's mouth without being prompted? Jared and I just looked at each other in awe. Jared said to me that that was one of the most impressive things he's heard M say, yet. I know, I know, just wait. Anyways, here's some pics from the weekend. Enjoy!

"M" was a little protective of her brother.

Meet Maggie May Manus!

Let's just say Dad had some fun with Grey boy.

"M" coloring Easter eggs